This postcard highlights Safe HelpRoom and the Safe Helpline App.
The Safe HelpRoom

The Safe HelpRoom is a group chat service that allows survivors in the military to support one another in a safe online environment.

The goal of Safe HelpRoom is to create a secure community of survivors that meet to help each other — regardless of time zone or distance. Safe HelpRoom moves beyond crisis intervention and helps survivors who are ready to take the next step.

To learn more about Safe HelpRoom visit:

The Safe Helpline App
The app allows sexual assault survivors to easily create a customized self-care plan, utilize specially designed self-care exercises, and connect to all Safe Helpline resources for free, from anywhere in the world.

To learn more about the app, visit:

  • 5"x7" glossy postcard
  • Full color print
Promotional Ideas:
Distribute the postcard during base/installation events.

Incorporate the postcard into new-join check-in procedures, and encourage new Service members to download the app that day.

Make the postcard available all over the base (i.e., Chaplain’s office, Family Advocacy Program offices, Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention offices, hospitals and all other medical and mental health facilities, Special Victims Council/Victims Legal Council offices, etc.

Distribute the postcard throughout your local community (i.e., local coffee shops frequented by Service members, emergency rooms, local sexual assault

Work with your base IT department to identify opportunities to have the app pre-installed when a new cell phone is issued, and/or insert postcard into informational packets for new phones and technology.