The Safe Helpline brochure provides an overview of all six services, offering anonymous, confidential resources for the DoD community. It includes the "Responders Near Me" feature and insights into what support with Safe Helpline looks like, ensuring 24/7 support worldwide.

  • 8.5"x11" trifoldbrochure
  • Full color print

Promotional Ideas:

Distribute the brochure during base/installation events.

Make the brochure available all over the base (e.g., Chaplain’s office,Family Advocacy Program offices, Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention offices, hospitals and all other medical and mental health facilities, and SpecialVictims Counsel/Victims Legal Counsel).

Distribute the brochure throughout your local community (i.e., local coffee shops frequented by Service members, emergency rooms,and local sexual assault service providers).
