The limited-time Safe Helpline Bumper Sticker is perfect to put on your car, computer, or office door as a way to spread awareness of Safe Helpline. The Safe Helpline bumper sticker is a representation of the Safe Helpline Hope Board, a bulletin board in the Safe Helpline operations room that holds inspirational messages from Safe Helpline users. Order soon, as quantities are limited!

  • Dimensions: 6”x3”
  • 4mil. White Vinyl High Gloss
  • Weather resistant material
  • Full-color print

Promotional Ideas:

  • Distribute the Safe Helpline Bumper Sticker during base/installation events.
  • Make the Safe Helpline Bumper Sticker available on base or in your local community.
  • Use the limited-time Safe Helpline Bumper Sticker as a prize for those who actively participate during SAPR/SHARP programming by asking questions or providing useful insight.